If you believe that the information on Form 1095-B for you or someone else in your household is wrong, contact your local county office of human/social services. Find county contact information at Colorado.gov/HCPF/Counties. If you or someone in your family received financial assistance to purchase private health insurance through Connect for […]
Glossary Group: IRS Form 1095-B
13 posts
Individuals enrolled in certain Health First Colorado programs will not receive IRS Form 1095-B from the Department. If you were enrolled in Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) or a Health First Colorado program that is not on the list of exceptions, and you do not receive a 1095-B form in the mail by mid-February, log […]
You do not need 1095-B form to file taxes. It is for your records. IRS 1095-B form is your proof of the month(s) during the prior year that you received qualifying health coverage.