- To find a doctor or other medical provider who accepts Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid Program), first select Find Doctors from the Department of Health Care Policy & Financing home page or select Find Doctors & Other Providers at HealthFirstColorado.com.
- You'll see that at the top you can make selections to narrow down your search results. The list of providers will appear in the box just below.
- You can enter a street address, city, or zip code where you'd like to begin your search. You can also click Find Me to have your approximate location entered automatically. Below that you can specify the radius of your search, or how far you're willing to travel.
- In addition to location you can select a provider type or specialty to narrow your search. And if you're looking for a specific doctor you can enter any part of their name in the Find Providers By Name box.
- As you search the results shown below will list each provider's name, medical specialty, street address, and phone number.
Click Get Directions next to any provider listing for a map with driving or public transportation instructions.
Click the Reset button at any time to start a new search, or click the Print Search Results button to print a list of just the providers you're interested in.
- As you search, the map updates automatically to show only the results of your current search. Clicking on any pin on the map brings up information about that provider.
- Remember that you should always check with the individual provider to find out if they're accepting new Health First Colorado patients. If you need additional help please call or email the Health First Colorado Member Contact Center.